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Timber Guy


About Timber Guy

Welcome to Timber Guy! In this game, you will play as a skilled logger. The more wood you chop and the faster the better for the best effect. Your objective is to swiftly and efficiently cut as many timbers as you can while evading the hazardous branches before the clock runs out. Harvest an ample supply of timbers. Immerse yourself in the game as you face the challenge of felling a towering pine tree. Standing beneath its lofty branches, you will commence the process of chopping it down with precision and speed.

A few things you need to keep in mind

Do not be deceived by the apparent simplicity and safety of the job, for you shall soon discover the true risks it holds. While you may not have to ascend great heights, numerous hazards still await you. Beware of the protruding branches that pose a threat from the sides. As you diligently cut down the pine tree, menacing pincers will gradually approach you. To ensure your safety, swiftly dodge them by swiftly moving to the opposite side and continue your work. A single misstep, resulting in being crushed by the branches, will lead to your defeat. Time is of the essence in this endeavor. Your available time is limited, indicated by the depleting red bar. Once it is exhausted, your game will come to an end. Should you desire more time, you must increase your cutting speed, enabling you to accomplish more within the given time frame.